Node Structure

Node Structure

Full Node Functions

  • Store Blockchain History: Full nodes maintain the complete blockchain history on disk and can respond to data requests from the network.

  • Validate Blocks and Transactions: Full nodes are responsible for receiving and validating new blocks and transactions.

  • Verify Account States: Full nodes ensure the accuracy of account states.

Supported Platforms

  • Mac OS X

  • Linux

  • Windows

Suggested Requirements

  • Operating System: VPS with recent versions of Mac OS X, Linux, or Windows.

  • Disk Space: 1 TB of free disk space on a solid-state drive (SSD) with gp3, 8k IOPS, 250 MB/S throughput, and read latency <1ms. (NVMe SSD is required if the node is started with snap sync)

  • CPU: 16 cores

  • Memory (RAM): 16 GB

  • Instance Type: Recommended m5zn.3xlarge on AWS or c2-standard-16 on Google Cloud.

  • Internet Connection: Broadband with upload/download speeds of 25 MB/S.

Steps to Run a Full Node

  1. Sync From Snapshot (Recommended):

    • Download the pre-built binaries from the release page or follow the instructions provided.

Last updated